Plenary Speakers & Invited Speakers

plenary speakers

Lionel C. Kimerling

Title: Silicon Photonics: How did we get here and where are we going?


Lionel C. Kimerling is the Thomas Lord Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT and the Director of the MIT Microphotonics Center where he conducts an active research program in the design and processing of semiconductor materials and devices. He is an alumnus of MIT, having earned a baccalaureate in Metallurgical Engineering and a doctorate in Materials Science at MIT. He was Head, Materials Physics Research at AT&T Bell Laboratories when he joined the faculty of MIT as Professor. He was Director of the Materials Processing Center for 15 years, establishing it as the industry portal for faculty across all materials-related disciplines. He is the lead for MIT’s Initiative for Knowledge and Innovation in Manufacturing and the AIM Photonics Institute Executive for Education, Workforce Development. He has authored more than 700 technical articles and more than 75 patents in the fields of integrated photonics and semiconductor processing. The Microphotonics Center Industry Consortium founded the Integrated Photonics System Roadmap, International (IPSR-I). Kimerling has had a fundamental impact on the understanding of the chemical and electrical properties of defects in semiconductors and the use of this knowledge in materials processing and component reliability. His research teams have enabled long-lived telecommunications lasers, developed semiconductor diagnostic methods such as DLTS, SEM-EBIC and RF-PCD, and pioneered silicon microphotonics.

Shu Namiki
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Japan

Digital Infrastructure Pivots on Silicon Photonics: An Aspect from the Past, Present, and Future of Optical Communications


Shu Namiki received M.S. and Dr. Sci. degrees in applied physics from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1988 and 1998, respectively. From 1988 to 2005, he was working for Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., where he developed award-winning high-power pump lasers, and invented multi-wavelength-pumped fiber Raman amplifiers. From 1994 to 1997, he was a visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, where he studied the dynamical behavior of ultra-short pulses in mode-locked fiber lasers. In 2005, he moved to the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan, where he has served as Executive Committee Chair of a ten-year national project called “Vertically Integrated Center for Technologies of Optical Routing toward Ideal Energy Savings (VICTORIES)” in collaboration with ten telecom-related companies, and is currently Research Director of Platform Photonics Research Center in AIST. His research interests include software defined dynamic optical path networking and their enabling devices such as nonlinear fiber-optics and silicon photonics. He has authored or coauthored more than 680 conference presentations, papers, book chapters, and patents. He was an Associate Editor and Advisory Editor of Optics Express and the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the IEICE Transactions on Communications. He was on the technical committee for OFC, ECOC, CLEO, OECC, OAA, etc. and served as Program Co-Chair of OFC 2015, and General Co-Chair of OFC 2017. He currently serves as Chair of the Council on Devices and Systems for Next Generation Green Data Centers.
Dr. Namiki is a Fellow of Optica and IEEE, and a member of IEICE and JSAP. He is a recipient of IEICE Achievement Award in 2020.

Invited Speakers

Industry Session

Twan Korthorst, Synopsys, Netherlands
Sylwester Latkowski, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Di Liang, Alibaba Group, USA
Patrick Lo, AMF, USA

Active Photonic Devices (APD)

Ling Liao, Intel, USA
Haïk Mardoyan, Nokia Bell Lab, France
Wei Shi, Universite Laval, Canada
Yaocheng Shi, Zhejiang University, China
Mitsuru Takenaka, University of Tokyo, Japan
Yating Wan, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

Emerging and Novel Applications (ENA)

Bart Kuyken, Ghent University, Belgium
Kaveh Mojaver, Colorado State University, USA

Novel Materials and Processes (NMP)

Hongtao Lin, Zheijian University, China
Galan Moody, UCSB, USA
Shayan Mookherjea, UCSD, USA

Electronic-Photonic Integrated Circuits and Systems (EPICS)

Karl Muth, Broadcom, USA
Sam Palermo, Texas A&M University, USA
Vito Sorianello, Italian National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), Italy
Torrey Thiessen, SCINTIL Photonics, France

Passive Photonic Devices (PD)

Harel Frish, Intel Corporation, USA
Yikai Su, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China